Hi I'm


I am a UI UX Designer

Welcome to my portfolio website! As a UI/UX designer, I create intuitive and user-friendly digital experiences that engage and delight users

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What I Do

Frontend Devlopment

As a frontend developer, I bring designs to life through clean, efficient, and responsive code, creating seamless user experiences across all devices.

UI UX Designer

As a UI/UX designer, I create intuitive and user-friendly digital experiences that engage and delight users.

Digital Marketing

As a digital marketer, I help businesses reach and engage their target audience through strategic planning, effective campaigns, and data-driven insights, driving growth and success in the digital space.

Content Writing

As a content writer, I craft compelling and informative content that captures the attention of readers and drives engagement, helping businesses to communicate their message effectively and build a strong online presence.


BCA-Bachelor Of Computer Application

St.Joseph's Arts And Science College


UI UX Designing Course

Image Creative Institute

Dec 2022-Mar 2023

UI UX Designer

Xenovex Technologies

Apr 2023-Present


Doctor Appointment App
Medical Website

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